domingo, 22 de abril de 2007



After wake up everyday

I have to take my way

I left my place

I miss my friends

Everything seems so different

New things to learn

Many new friends to find

Memories that never I’m going to forget

When we grow we need to fly with our own wings

That later become only feathers

It’s hard to leave a place

That saw you born

But it’s a sacrifice that we have to do

I leave many things

I missed them all

I wish I could be there right know

But I know I can’t

The good moments I have

Laugh full of happiness

Now are tears

Those are falling

You don’t know how much I miss you

It’s hard being a new one

When you don’t know how to smile

When I saw myself in the mirror

The only thing I see is the face of the sadness

I forget what happiness means to me

I’m lost I’m trapped inside a labyrinth without Escape

When I was child I used to smile very often

I wish I could have that smile on my face again

The pure and sincere smile of an Innocent child.

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