sábado, 3 de febrero de 2007

Talking to the heart

Talking to the heart



How can I tell you..?

How can explain to my heart..?

What can I do…?

You are not the same for me

I can’t feel the same for you

I forgot everything about you...

Please forgive me...


My heart is screaming

My tears are falling

And my words broken

How could it be?


I don’t want to hurt you

Understand me…

This is hard for me...

And more for you


I just want to cry

Tell me the truth

Is this a Nightmare..?

Or everything is real..?


Just let me go...

This is hard for us

How can I tell you..?

I don’t love you anymore...












1 comentario:

Apolonio de la Urraca dijo...

Talk to you heart more often I like what you are telling from the bottom of your more deepest feelings, follow
the voice of your spirit.